Ematologia in Fluorescenza

Valutazione sistemiGranulociti immaturiHPC (Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells)Diagnostica delle AnemieReticolociti e Indici ReticolocitariEritroblastiFrammenti EritrocitariPiastrineIPF (Immature Platelet Fraction)Case ReportAnalisi Liquidi BiologiciAnalisi Sangue MidollareDM96Sysmex European Symposium 2003Sysmex European Symposium 2005Ricerca per Rivista Scientifica

Sysmex European Symposium 2005

AUTORE Romolo M. Dorizzi 
TITOLO Laboratory Information System Management or Laboratory Knowledge Management? The Laboratory of the 21st Century 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 20 Abstract Dorizzi.pdf

AUTORE P. Danise, G. Amendola, E. Cillari, M. Gioia 
TITOLO NRBC in Thalassaemia Syndromes 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 5 Abstract Danise.pdf

AUTORE M. Müller 
TITOLO Keynote Lecture: The Challenges for the Clinical Laboratory in a Changing Environment 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 4 Abstract Muller.pdf

AUTORE E. Werle 
TITOLO Information Management for Hospital Laboratories in a Changing Health Care System 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 19 Abstract Werle.pdf

AUTORE A. Huber 
TITOLO Laboratory Organisation and Networking Concepts in a Modern Lab 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 18 Abstract Huber.pdf

AUTORE P. Sinha 
TITOLO The Need for Standardized Technical Validation of the Hematology Workflow 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 17 Abstract Sinha.pdf

AUTORE W. van Gelder, R.B. Dinkelaar, H. Ceelie 
TITOLO Digital Microscopy (DM96/DM8): From Virtual Differentiation to a Virtual Technologist 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 16 Abstract Van Gelder.pdf

AUTORE V Jennissen, J Linssen, J Hildmann, E Reisinger, J Schindler, G Malchau, K Wielckens 
TITOLO Automated Detection of High Fluorescence Lymphocytes Count (HFL) with the SYSMEX XE-2100 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 15 Abstract Jenninsen.pdf

AUTORE K. Saigo 
TITOLO Automated Detection of Fragmented Red Cells with XE-2100 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 14 Abstract Saigo.pdf

AUTORE Frank P. Haukamp 
TITOLO Comparison of Leucocyte Counting in Cerebrospinal Fluid by the XE-2100 and Fuchs-Rosenthal-Chamber 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 13 Abstract Haukamp.pdf

AUTORE Th. W. Orlikowsky, Ch. Quentin, Ch. Henkel, M. Eichner, Ch. F. Poets 
TITOLO Automated Detection of Immature Myeloid Precursors in Healthy Newborns and those with Early Onset Bacterial Infection (EOBI) 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 12 Abstract Orlikowsy.pdf

AUTORE Frings D.P., Montag B., Zapfe A., Steigemann T., Nierhaus A. 
TITOLO IG, IMI and NRBC as Parameters in Diagnosis of Sepsis and SIRS 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 11 Abstract Frings.pdf

AUTORE A. Stachon 
TITOLO NRBC Counts for Risk Assessment in Hospitalized Patients 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 10 Abstract Stachon.pdf

AUTORE Blatny J., Vytiskova S., Zapletal O., Lokaj P., Jarkovsky J. 
TITOLO Bone Marrow Restitution by Measurement of IRF and IPF in Children 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 9 Dr Blatny.pdf

AUTORE C. Briggs, D.Hart, St. Kunka, S.J. Machin 
TITOLO The Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF): Its Clinical Utility in the Differential Diagnosis of Thrombocytopenia and Guide to Platelet Transfusion Requirement Post Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 8 Abstract Machin.pdf

AUTORE L. Thomas, A. Kirschbaum, C. Thomas, M. Böhm, S. Franck 
TITOLO Evaluation of a Diagnostic Diagram for Monitoring of rHuEPO Therapy in Patients with Anemia of Chronic Disease 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 7 Abstract Thomas.pdf

AUTORE F. Cymbalista 
TITOLO Usefulness of XE-2100 Structural Parameters in the Diagnosis of Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Sysmex European Simposium - St. Wolfgang, Austria, 2005 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 6 Abstract Cymbalista.pdf

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