Ematologia in Fluorescenza

Valutazione sistemiGranulociti immaturiHPC (Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells)Diagnostica delle AnemieReticolociti e Indici ReticolocitariEritroblastiFrammenti EritrocitariPiastrineIPF (Immature Platelet Fraction)Case ReportAnalisi Liquidi BiologiciAnalisi Sangue MidollareDM96Sysmex European Symposium 2003Sysmex European Symposium 2005Ricerca per Rivista Scientifica


Articoli della Rivista Scientifica: Laboratory Hematology
AUTORE F.-S. Wang, T. Morikawa, S. Biwa, D. Oliver, M. Creer, Y. Hamaguchi, K. Hirai 
TITOLO Monitoring Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells with Sysmex Automated Hematology Analyzers 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Laboratory Hematology - (2002, 8,119-225) 

AUTORE C. Thomas, L. Thomas 
TITOLO Anemia of Chronic Desease: pathophysiology and laboratory diagnosis 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Laboratory Hematology - (2005, 11,14-23) 

AUTORE Zucker ML, Murphy CA, Rachel JM, Martinez GA, Abhyankar S, McGuirk JP, Reid KJ, Plapp FV 
TITOLO Immature platelet fraction as a predictor of platelet recovery following hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Laboratory Hematology - (2006;12; 3:125-130) 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 1-IPF_Lab_Hem.pdf

AUTORE B. Fernandes, Y. Hamaguchi 
TITOLO Performance characteristics of the Sysmex XT-2000i hematology analyzer 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Laboratory Hematology - (2003, 9, 189-197) 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload XT_Lab_Hem_2.pdf

AUTORE S.Imoto , T.Murayama , K.Nagai , N.Hirabayashi et al 
TITOLO Usefulness of sequential automated analysis of fragmented red blood cells for the differential diagnosis of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura - Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome following allogenic hematopoietic cell transplantation 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Laboratory Hematology - (2005, 11, 131-136) 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload Imoto et al.pdf

AUTORE Field D, Taube E, Heumann S 
TITOLO Performance evaluation of the immature granulocyte parameter on the Sysmex XE-2100 automated hematology analyzer 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Laboratory Hematology - (2006;12; 1:11-14) 

AUTORE C.Briggs, S.Kunka, H.Fujimoto, Y. Hamaguchi, B.H. Davis, S.J. Machin 
TITOLO Evaluation of immature granulocyte count by the XE-IG Master: upgraded software for the XE-2100 automated hematology analyzer 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Laboratory Hematology - (2003, 9, 117-124) 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload Briggs et al.pdf

AUTORE Langford K, Luchtman-Jones L, Miller R, Walck D. 
TITOLO Performance evaluation of the Sysmex XT-2000i automated haematology analyser 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Laboratory Hematology - (2003, 9, 29-37) 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload XT_Lab_Hem_1.pdf

AUTORE L. Kresie, D.Benadives , P.Bollinger , J.Walters et al 
TITOLO Performance evaluation of the application of body fluid on the Sysmex XE-2100 Series automated haematology analyzer 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Laboratory Hematology - (2005, 11:24-30) 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 24_ Lab Hematol.pdf

AUTORE F.Wang, R.M.Rowan, M.Creer, A.Hay, et al. 
TITOLO Detecting human CD34+ and CD34- Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells using a Sysmex automated haematology analyzer 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Laboratory Hematology - (2004; 10: 200-205) 
SCARICA IL DOCUMENTOdownload 25_ Lab Hematol.pdf

AUTORE Garzia M, Di Mario A, Ferraro E, Tazza L, Rossi E, Luciani G, Zini G 
TITOLO Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Equivalent: An Indicator of Reduced Iron Availability in Chronic Kidney Diseases during Erythropoietin Therapy 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Laboratory Hematology - (2007;13 (1):6-11) 

AUTORE Fernandes, Bergeron, Hamaguchi 
TITOLO Automated Nucleated Red Blood Cell Counting in the Perinatal Period 
RIVISTA SCIENTIFICA Laboratory Hematology - (2002; 8:179-188) 

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